The Maliba Trust consists of representation from the local community and Maliba, and its goal is to identify, plan and finance projects that will help empower the local community.
You are encouraged to contribute time, skills or money to ensure the success of these projects.
Some initial projects have included
- School donation program for books, equipment and repairs/additional to the local schools etc (Guests shall encourage to visit them). This could be in the form of physical items and cash donations via the trust. Schools would also be encouraged and monitored to grow their own food with some assistance.
- Establishment of Community forest outside of the park for harvesting purposes
- Bee project for the collection of Honey (to be established with permission within the park, perhaps up by the quarry site)
- Craft project
- Free range Chicken and Egg project
The directors of Maliba have strong personal interest and association with the local basotho people especially those from the local villages in the vicinity of Maliba lodge. In fact one of the driving influences in establishing a world class tourist lodge in Lesotho was as a way of providing employment and upliftment of the local people and empower them through skills transfer to help make a change in this very poor country.
Maliba lodge was built using mainly labor from local villages in fact at the peak nearly 100 local basotho’s were involved in the lodge construction and many had the opportunity to learn new skills. Now we are operating, the best of these staff have been retrained as Barmen, security, house staff, gardeners, maintenance, and one has even progressed to a management position. All staff are very proud of “their lodge” and have become valued, highly trained dedicated staff who really look after and interact with our guests.
Download the Maliba Community Development Trust Brochure here