Planting The Seeds To Flourish
The Maliba Community Development Trust united with the SA Adventure Hand Me Down Team this weekend to set in motion a new initiative which had been discussed at a meeting earlier this year in July.
Typically the Hand Me Down team trades bags of litter for bags of clothing with the community, in an effort to improve the care taken to the local environment and offer a clothing donation to the community who would otherwise have limited access to clothing.
A new initiative arranged earlier this year is to rather offer packets of seeds and fertilizer in return for the bags of litter, allowing the local farmers to grow their own fresh produce and establish their own sustainable farming practices.
This weekend the Maliba Community Trust and Hand Me Down team met with 21 local farmers where they exchanged the seeds and fertilizer for the collected litter.
It is hoped that this will be the base for a future of empowering local farmers.
For more information on the Maliba Community Trust:
Facebook page:
For more information on the Hand Me Down Initiative: