The Maliba Community Development Trust recently held a colouring competition with kids from the local schools. The schools involved were: St John’s Primary, St Felix Primary, St Dominic Primary, St Denis Primary and St Denis High School. The competition ran for a six weeks…
Moving Up!

Moving Up! The Maliba Mobile Clinic made a trip to the Mokoallong Village this week.
Steps In The Right Direction

Steps In The Right Direction The Maliba Mobile clinic made a trip to the Tiping community this week. The attendance from the normally quiet community was much higher with approximately 45 adults and 18 children between the ages of 16…
352 Trees In A Single Day

352 Trees In A Single Day As a part of the continuous agricultural training, The Maliba Trust worked with chief Mohale and local community members and teachers at Ha Mohale with planting 352 gum trees on the 5th of February…
To Cultivate Community Strength

To Cultivate Community Strength A report on the Maliba Mobile Clinic by Daniel Ts’osi our Trust manager. The purpose of the Maliba Mobile clinic is to help mobilize health services nearer to the people, and works in conjunction with the…
May update from our Trust manager

By Daniel Ts’osi, Trust manager (Writing in his second language) The trust is now doing well with the projects and the clinic. Vegetable project; The trust has sponsored the Leribe Agricultural Skills Training Collage students,with the transport to do their…