“Cultivate a sympathetic heart humility in dealings and selflessness in action. If these are practised in earnestness and sincerity then you will win the race of life” – Baba Hari Dass Anne and Gary Homewood have been at Maliba Lodge…
Moving Up!

Moving Up! The Maliba Mobile Clinic made a trip to the Mokoallong Village this week.
The Road To Mats’o….

The Road To Mats’o…. The Maliba Mobile Clinic made a trip to Mats’o Village. Due to the road conditions the Mobile Clinic caravan was unable to travel and the members of the Clinic were forced to use a Bakkie rather…
Maliba Mobile Clinic Taking Great Strides Ahead

Maliba Mobile Clinic assists local Lesotho communities with mobile medical assistance On the 22 July 2014, The Maliba Community Trust mobile clinic journeyed to St Denis bus stop outreach to assist the community with mobile medical services. The Maliba Community Trust has…